11 Jun 2013

European Business Awards – Becoming Carbon Neutral

by Jo Henderson

Sustainability and environmental responsibility are two of the core values used by the European Business Awards to judge its entrants and it was decided that the Awards programme should reduce its own carbon footprint.

Supported by BP’s not-for-profit carbon management programme, Target Neutral, the EBA has set itself the goal of becoming 100% carbon neutral and began its journey by offsetting all of the carbon generated by the 2012/13 Awards ceremony.

Target Neutral works with companies and consumers to Reduce, Replace and Neutralise their carbon emissions. It  was instrumental in cutting the carbon footprint of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games with over half a million journeys offset – a world record for offsets to an individual event – so the EBA is being guided by the experts.

The area where the EBA has the highest carbon footprint is travel. Travel is an essential part of the awards programme but by working with Target Neutral, the team will ensure it travels in the most carbon efficient and cost effective way from this point forward.

Reduce: We need to think carefully about the journeys we make. Do we need to fly? Could we use a different form of transport? If we have to drive, can we hire a low emissions car?

Replace: Are we able to take advantage of new technologies in modern fuels, lubricants and vehicles which are increasingly carbon efficient?

Neutralise: Even with the most determined efforts, we will still have some carbon footprint. We are able to offset (or neutralise) this residual footprint through an easy, cost efficient option to remove, or avoid releasing, an equivalent amount of carbon somewhere else in the world. This can be done by supporting a number of approved Target Neutral projects across the world.

The beginning of the EBA’s journey …

BP Target Neutral calculated the EBA’s current carbon footprint of running its events and worked out areas where we can reduce this as well as cut waste. The EBA has already proved its commitment by offsetting the carbon impact of its 2012/13 event and by making a few small changes, the EBA believes it can make a big difference to its future carbon footprint.

If you are interested in joining us on our journey and would like to look at reducing your company’s carbon footprint or offsetting your carbon usage, please visit the Target Neutral website - www.bptargetneutral.com.


For more information, please contact Jo Henderson, PR Manager – jo.henderson@writewaypr.co.ukor tel: +44 (0)7870 634567.

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