Think like a start-up - Disruption is not just a buzzword, it’s a business model

Technology is enabling and accelerating new entrants into the market which challenge established business models, forcing organisations to evolve and become more innovative just to maintain their current market share. 

This session will de-mystify the vital topic of innovation and covers:

  • How established businesses should start thinking about innovation and disruption
  • How to get started on your innovation journey
  • How to assess the opportunities and implications of change
  • Where to look for ideas and inspiration
  • How to distil these into products and process improvements
  • The key success factors to consider along the journey
  • A few traps to watch out for
  • The benefits beyond the obvious of why you should get started today!


Andrew Vorster – Innovation Catalyst

The former Vice President of Technology Research at Visa Europe, Andrew is a passionate technologist, innovator and storyteller. 

His current primary activity is global scanning and scouting for the changes in TIPS – Technologies, Innovations, Patents and Start-ups, behind the trends that are driving new business models and shaping consumer behaviour. 

As an Innovation Catalyst, he works with both established organisations and start-ups across the world, advising and mentoring them to envisage the range of possible futures fuelled, accelerated and enabled by technology, constantly repeating his mantra of “the story of the future is not yet written, don’t wait to read about it as history made by someone else – start writing your own story today!”.

Individual Full Event Ticket - includes Hotel accommodation


This includes access to the Welcome Reception, all learning and discovery agenda sessions, the judging hall, networking lunch on the 23rd, and the Awards Gala. This package also includes hotel accommodation at the venue for the 22nd and 23rd (includes breakfast)

Individual Full Event Ticket – without Hotel accommodation


This includes access to the Welcome Reception, all learning and discovery agenda sessions, the judging hall, networking lunch on the 23rd, and the Awards Gala. Book your hotel separately here to include a discounted price

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Awards Gala Dinner Only – without Hotel accommodation


This ticket option is for those who don’t want to attend the full event but would like to participate in the Awards Gala Ceremony. This includes Pre-dinner cocktail reception, 3 course dinner and the Awards ceremony. Book your hotel separately here to include a discounted price

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Group Tickets – Bring Your Team


Group registration secures priority seating for a table of 10 at the Awards Gala along with access to the Welcome Reception and all learning and discovery agenda sessions, the judging hall and networking lunch on the 23rd. You get to place a 2mx2m exhibition stand in the main hall to promote your business and a framed group photo from the event. This package represents best value.

If you are looking to bring more or less than 10 people give our events team a call to work out a price and package for you.

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