The first important technology products created by humans were hand tools made from stone, wood, and bone. That was around 10 million years ago then from hand tools to fire, the next truly disruptive technology, took about eight million years. The time span from fire to cooking was less than one million years and the invention of clothing followed around 300,000 years later. So, finally, after roughly nine and a half million years, we got pockets to carry our tools around with us. Yay, progress.

These were all disruptive technologies; they radically changed how humans lived and ever since, the appearance of new, disruptive technologies has accelerated. For example, mobile cellular devices have managed to outnumber the entire human population of the earth in just over 30 years and the iPhone, launched just over 10 years ago, is now used by an estimated three quarters of a billion people today.

In this session we'll discuss:

  • Which hot, new disruptive technologies are promising tectonic cultural and business shifts? 
  • How is technology affecting employment and job roles?
  • How do you evaluate new technologies and figure out whether they have value for your business?
  • Can we train workers for the future?
  • Will killer robots wipe us out?

This session is led by Mark Gibbs

Mark Gibbs has been a journalist and consultant specializing in emerging technologies for over 30 years. For 24 years, Gibbs has been a contributing editor and columnist for IDG's Network World as well as writing for InfoWorld, Forbes, and Computer World. Gibbs also co-founded Novell UK and created and co-founded NetRatings. 

Individual Full Event Ticket - includes Hotel accommodation


This includes access to the Welcome Reception, all learning and discovery agenda sessions, the judging hall, networking lunch on the 23rd, and the Awards Gala. This package also includes hotel accommodation at the venue for the 22nd and 23rd (includes breakfast)

Individual Full Event Ticket – without Hotel accommodation


This includes access to the Welcome Reception, all learning and discovery agenda sessions, the judging hall, networking lunch on the 23rd, and the Awards Gala. Book your hotel separately here to include a discounted price

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Awards Gala Dinner Only – without Hotel accommodation


This ticket option is for those who don’t want to attend the full event but would like to participate in the Awards Gala Ceremony. This includes Pre-dinner cocktail reception, 3 course dinner and the Awards ceremony. Book your hotel separately here to include a discounted price

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Group Tickets – Bring Your Team


Group registration secures priority seating for a table of 10 at the Awards Gala along with access to the Welcome Reception and all learning and discovery agenda sessions, the judging hall and networking lunch on the 23rd. You get to place a 2mx2m exhibition stand in the main hall to promote your business and a framed group photo from the event. This package represents best value.

If you are looking to bring more or less than 10 people give our events team a call to work out a price and package for you.

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