Ruban D’Honneur Recipients for 2012/13
The RSM Entrepreneur of the Year Award
The Employer of the Year Award
AstraZeneca Bulgaria, Bulgaria
bio verlag gmbh, Germany
everis, Spain
Hygeia Hospital, Greece
Kraft Foods Bulgaria JSC-MONDELEZ INTERNATIONAL, Bulgaria
Marvena Ltd., Bulgaria
Sage España , Spain
SBS Finland Oy, Finland
The Chemistry Group, United Kingdom
Volkswagen Slovakia, a. s., Slovakia
The Award for Customer Focus
AMES, Lithuania
de Miclén, a.s., Slovakia
DHL Express Worldwide Tasimacilik veTicaret A.S., Turkey
FMG Munich Airport, Germany
GainJet Aviation S.A , Greece
Hotel BERGS, Latvia
Netwatch, Ireland
Partners Financial Services a.s., Czech Republic
PayShop (Portugal) S.A., Portugal
ŠKODA AUTO a.s., Czech Republic
Translink, United Kingdom
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi, Turkey
The Award for Environmental & Corporate Sustainability
Coillte, Ireland
EH Booth & Company Ltd, United Kingdom
Iberdrola, Spain
IKEA Retail, Poland, Poland
Jerónimo Martins, Portugal
Kia Motors Slovakia, Slovakia
Mey Icki San. Tic. A.S., Turkey
Michael Henriksen Holding A/S, Denmark
Palink UAB, Lithuania
Turk Telekom Group, Turkey
Zotter Schokoladen Manufaktur, Austria
The Growth Strategy of the Year Award
ADASTRA, Czech Republic
Ardent Ltd, United Kingdom
Betsson Group, Malta
Essence, United Kingdom
Frulact Group, Portugal
HintTech, The Netherlands
INSIA a.s., Czech Republic
LEO Pharma A/S, Denmark
Pharmathen, Greece
Planet Cards, France
Rixos Hotels, Turkey
Saongroup, Ireland
The Import/Export Award
Aer Lingus, Ireland
Delta Cafes, Portugal
Erkunt Sanayi A.S, Turkey
Glennon Brothers, Ireland
Grupo Portucel Soporcel, Portugal
Moto-Profil Sp. z o.o., Poland
Nortal, Estonia
Pol-Inowex S.A., Poland
SIVECO Romania, Romania
Sun Mark, United Kingdom
The Cambridge Satchel Company Ltd, United Kingdom
TOS VARNSDORF a.s., Czech Republic
The Infosys Business of the Year Award with Turnover of €0-25m
Contronics Engineering BV , The Netherlands
Defacto, Turkey
dotDigital, United Kingdom
Elrad, Slovenia
Helix Health, Ireland
MEDORT, Poland
Netigate, Sweden
Rigas Karte, Latvia
Teknodrom Robotik ve Otomasyon A.S., Turkey
The Infosys Business of the Year Award with Turnover of €26-150m
The Infosys Business of the Year Award with Turnover of €150m or higher
The UKTI Award for Innovation
AMORIM, Portugal
Cardtek, Turkey
Criteo, France
GloboFleet SL, Spain
Grupo Soja de Portugal, Portugal
Hidria , Slovenia
Hologram-industries, France
i3D S.A., Poland
Materialise, Belgium
Next Limit Technologies, Spain
Papaphilippou & Patisserie Panayiotis Ice Cream Ltd, Cyprus
Telerik Corp., Bulgaria
+ 44 (0)20 7234 3535